March/April 2006
Update Time!
Ola. Would like to apologise for me not being in contact for such a long time. We have had an exciting time with our water supply and electricity. Centre One, is attached to the town electricity – so when it does go down, everything goes down, but we can put the old generator on, but gas has been expensive lately, so thus we have been a little short on some things. Personally, I quite enjoy it. The whole Centre is so quite and you can go out at nite and see all the stars and hear the frogs singing. Also being dark, you are unable to see all the bugs – which I am sure the guards are happy not to hear me scream or anything….LOL… Also, being able to cook in the dark and then eat with candles – is very special.
Perhaps going without water is not really that wonderful, especially in this heat – but the smell from the bathrooms and the unwashed dishes after a couple of days – does leave one wondering about nose clips or digging your own personal latrine.
As, I type this, I am sitting and resting, worshipping my God! Unfortently my heaIth and my room-mates health has been added onto the sick board here in Arco-Iris. This morning we tested positive for Malaria. And yet again, I have a chest infection. Malaria and fevers are very commen at this time of year, due to the rainy season, but we are believing for God to be God and move mightily.
When you have malaria, people have told me you need to rest and rest some more – yip, I totally agree with that. I think as a westerner, I never fully understood and took it so sersiously; even after reading books and articles on it, and seeing first hand when people are ill with it. But after testing positive, I have a new understanding and almost a respect for it and also the people who have it, and how they maintain their sanity.
Please continue to pray that the health and protection for the kids, pastors and missionaries.
April Outreach
Well, the graduates that are coming for this amazing outreach have arrived, expect for one.
We are counting down the days before we leave! I received my conformation from Heidi Baker (Director of Iris Ministries Inc) and I am allowed to go on this awesome, amazing outreach! Unfortently because I am sick with malaria, I have to wait a couple of days to rest. We have another car that leaves later this week, and if I am feeling well enough and the get the OK from the doctor, I will ride with the sound system.
Please keep this amazing outreach in your prayers. For protection, for health of the graduates, Felito. pastors and the team. That God will guide them and fill them with wisdom and also that Gods hand be everywhere and that when they step into the villages and as they are driving, that there will be this tremendous favour and Gods anointing to be with them – we are asking for open heavens. We want to see Mozambique, loved into the kingdom of God. To see the broken hearted made whole, to see the sick healed and people to walk in the freedom and life that God has for them!! The goal of this outreach is worshiping God, sleeping in a tent, praying for the sick, making friends that last a life time, seeing people come to Jesus! And also encouraging the leaders and churches of Mozambique!
Our vision is simple! To see the kingdom built, to see this nation on fire for God! To see God move in power, to see this nation changed!
In black n white: we are holding two outreaches every night and then return to the same campsite. We start in the Zambezia province coming up from the Zambezia river up to Niassa, then we will be joined by Rolland and Heidi for a three day conference in Lichinga. Then it’s a relaxing time and will enjoy a safari day in the beautiful Niassa Reserve. Then its off to Nampula and then returning back to Pemba.
We will be joined by local pastors in each province so teams will vary in number.
Oh, just writing, my spirit is picking up and the excitement is building within me! When I was attending the school of missions last year, I couldn’t get enough of outreaches! As much as I love being with the children, and investing into their precious lives! I long to see this nation, be a nation after Gods own heart. I really agree with Matthew 10:9 “….so, that none perish!...” Its my prayer, to see the beautiful people of Mozambique, Gods children, being loved, changed and impacted, to see them walking into Jesus’ arms! Its such an honour and privllage to serve such a God and to be His hands, His feet and arms – to be the fragence of Jesus in this place!
Prayer Points
Divine health and protection
To love unconditionally
God to continue to move powerfully – to see people healed and changed!
Learning languages (Portuguese, Makua)
Stopping for the one
Heidi & Rolland (directors) as they travel overseas and preach
That more would come into the Kingdom of God
As the second base is being built that we’d get all done on time with all the necessary materials needed
During the rainy season for our children and staff to be protected from malaria
Children to learn and have fun in school
Pastors to understand and learn the word of God, so they can make an impact in their churches and villages
My infection (on my foot) to leave and not scar
Preparations for the baby house will go smoothly
Thank you all so much for all your prayers and support! God Bless you mightily.
Ciao, Ate Logo
Mana Ana