Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Beloved....HE's HERE

After one sleepless night, then a WHOLE day of getting ready....tidying the room, getting a double bed (that weighs a ton), getting enough blankets.....then getting ready - needed a bit of makeup to hide the dark circles under my eyes....

Ok, so plane landed at 11.45pm - my parents decided to leave for the airport at 11.30pm and its a 40min drive....I was beside myself. I had this feeling that his plane would be early. I would have felt terrible if that had happened...but that didnt happen. We arrived just on midnite (I think my Daddy wants to be a racing car driver..hehe). I left everyone getting out of car & walked briskly to the arrivals...and we waited....& waited....& waited. By 12.45am we were the second to last heart rate was picking up and the worriedness had settled and all the little stories were swimming around & around in my head....then cause my mum has no fear of man she spoke to a guy in a green uniform and asked him "have you seen my son-in-law?" he simply replyed "customs is doing their job mamam"...that sent my heart rate through the roof....then the family that was waiting with us they left with their people they were picking up....every time the security door opened I leaped up to look....but at 12.50am - the doors opened and there was standing my beloved....tired, but phew....he has finially arrived!

The relief has set in and he is here! Thank you God for opening those doors.....

Friday, April 20, 2007

Me & My Sisiter

OK - not very often your whole immediate family flies halfway round the world to your wedding. A photo of me and my sister.
Anit she a beauty?

One More Sleep to Go

Am so excited...14 hours to go.....

Ok, am so very excited. Not long to go until my beloved and are together again after a too long a time apart.

Am excited....can't wait to see him and hold him tight, and won't be letting him go....

Thank you Jesus for being so amazing!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hallejuah!!!! He is coming....

Yay, whose excited???

OK, so after a very LONG time apart (5 weeks) hubby & I will finially be together. Oh yea!!!

On Wed at mid-nite my beloved was granted his visitors visa to come to NZ. So then we franticly rearranged his tickets for him to come. He is now in waiting for his Ausi transit visa to be approved, but they have said there will be no probs!!! (THANK YOU JESUS)

Which means....Felito will be finially arriving on SAT 21 at MIDNITE!!! Which is 7 days & 8 hours & 5 min...Argh, cant wait to see him, hear him laugh & pray & just simply hold him tight.

Thank you all so much for all your prayers and support over this long time awaiting for his visa. We are so both very greatful for everything you have done, not to mention to being a should to cry on and a listening ear.

Just a heads up - once he is over the jet lag we will be having just a little get together so you awesome bodies can finially met my man! But will keep you post.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Blissfull 5 Months

(This is a photo of us on my birthday, the day before the wedding)

Well, we have been blissfully been married for 5 months! I totally encourage everyone to get married - its awesome. Its like having your best friend with you to have sleep-overs forever!!! But honestly - God has just totally blessed me with the most amazing man! I am so thankful and greatful for this gift and will continue to treasure him for always.

In New Zealand

Sorry about not writing for ages.

Am back in the land of the Kiwis, without my dear husband, but soon he will be joining me once his visa is approved. Then we are going to be hanging out with family and friends and also doing a bit of tourist things to show off the beauty of this looking forward to that.

Hopefully will be able to catch up with everyone while we are back for our 3 weeks before we head back to the land of the rainbow - South Africa.