Saturday, December 30, 2006

Feliz Novo Anos


Am in Maputo with my dearest husband, experiencing my first married New Year....

The weather is getting hotter & hotter. Who would have thought that 35C was actually comfortable to bear compared to 45C & 50C....its very humid here in Maptuo, much prefer the dry heat.

Today, i'm HOT, I feel like I'm melting. I am not sweating, I am dripping, its just pouring off me....totally not a good look....We went to the beach and everyone starred at me, not because I had white legs, but because its not commen for women to swim, especially at the beach...I DONT CARE - it was either that or explode.

Its hard, even though I speak basic portuguese I still struggle with understanding. Am finding it super frustrating in trying to understand the WHOLE story, especially if everyone starts joing in. Thank God for my darling husband who can translate when I've lost the plot....what would I without him????....

One good thing is that I have learnt to cook on COAL - yip - I can do this! Much to the delight of my new husband and my Mum-in-law. Even one better, I still haven't burnt the rice....oh yea! (God is on MY side). A downside to cooking on coal is that is takes twice as long, if not longer....