Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ola de Pemba

May 2006, 1

Boa Tarde! This morning I woke to birds chirping away. As I rolled over and closed my eyes, I could picture the beautifulness and calmness of the sunrise. The thought that ran thru my head this morning was of heaven, of the peacefulness, the serenity, the joy and the continuous flow of sweet music. What would it be like? To hear, to see, to smell, to touch and even taste heaven. So, what is heaven - its truth, home of our saviour, no pain and suffering; it’s the contentment of being with Jesus, our lover and king for all eternity. All I know is that the more I imagine what heaven will be like; it will be so much better than I can imagine. The verse that comes to my mind, as it says Gods ways are higher, than ours; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Only He knows the time, but we will wait and we will worship and shout His name in all the earth! My prayer this week is that people will come to know and understand the beauty and the peace of our Lord. That they really understand what it means to rest in the loving arms of the Father.

April Outreach
The team returned two weeks ago. All were tired and dirty, but with big smiles on their faces as they began to share what happened. I sat and listened for hours as they spoke and shared of the goodness of our God. My heart pumped with excitement as their eyes lit up and their face expressions grew each time they spoke of the healings and miracles of our Lord. The tears flowed as they spoke of the people who heard about Jesus for the first time and then received Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. Thru the tears, I could see the hand of Jesus holding each new life in His hand saying, “welcome home my child, welcome home, I love you”. Jesus came, so that we might live a life - full with abundance. I know, that people here in Mozambique are becoming aware of what life is, what love is and whom this man named Jesus is. God is alive and is moving very powerfully! It’s an honour and privilege to be here in Mozambique, to serve Jesus and to love the people He loves. For testimonies on the outreach please visit www.africaonfire.com

Next week, Felito is planning another outreach for 5 days to the province of Nampula. Nampula, was where they had the biggest response and the provincial pastor has invited us back to go to villages we didn’t go on the month long outreach. We would greatly love your prayers. We want to see Nampula rocked by God. We have a small team of 4 people going. Please keep them in your prayers as we travel and proclaim the name of Jesus. We want to see Gods hand move in power and the kingdom extended. As it says in Acts “to go and be my witnesses to all the world, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons in my name, making many disciples….” Life is simple here, as is the gospel. Jesus come!

Primary School
Praise God for weekends! We have just appointed a director (principal) for the school, so the teachers and the children are adjusting. The children are learning very fast, much to the excitement of all the teachers and missionaries! Please keep the school in your prayers and the director as he starts to lead this school.

The Wet Season is Over – I think
Officially the wet season should be over. But we are having an unusual extra amount of rain, since it was officially declared finished. I am very double minded about the rain here in Mozambique. Why? We simply need rain. For crops, we can collect it for drinking; bathing and washing water also the animals need it. But most of Pemba, as is Mozambique, is simply sand and dirt and when it down pours, that sand and dirt turn to raging torrents of slippery ankle deep mud, not to mention all the bugs come to the surface. And our house floods. We have a simple design fault and anytime it rains, the water and mud enters the front door and goes everywhere. The joy that I can see in it, is that after we clean up the floor is clean!!!

Thank you all so much for ALL your prayers and support. God Bless you so mightily

Mana Ana

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