Friday, August 03, 2007

Palm Ridge is Expericing CHANGE

Hello everyone!

Can’t believe that Church has been going just over 6 weeks!! It’s awesome!! God has been so faithful and loving!! It has been going well. We are seeing growing in numbers and, we are seeing lives being transformed, it’s amazing! We are just so thankful!

As a reminder, Palm Ridge was known for the Indian community during apartade, which means its known as Moslem community. Even today when you drive in to the township you don’t need any one to show you or tell you, its very obvious that it has been a Moslem place for long time, as in the entrance there is a big Mosque. And at certain times you can the music coming from the huge speakers pointing into the community.

Chair Testimony
We started the church in the tent, with 100 chairs, and it is in the middle of winter here and it’s freezing!! The pastor who borrowed us the land to use, came for a visit and was amazed that even though it’s so very cold people are coming! He was even more shocked to see that after worship had finished that all 100 chairs were full and are in need of more!! He never thought it would be possible to even start during winter due to the cold!! But with God – ALL things are possible!! God is so good!!

A Testimony from Felito
One of the guys in Church is Sthole. He is in his 40s and I have known him for long time, and he didn’t want anything to do with Jesus.
I remember once I was visiting my brother here in South Africa when I used to live in Mozambique and Sthole was in my brother’s house and we had small group to pray together and Sthole would go out side and wait till we finished praying, but if the Lord can change Paul of Tarsus, he can change Sthole’s heart. The Lord sent him to help us find the land (in Palm Ridge). From when we had our first service, Sthole has never missed one service. One of the amazing things that are just so awesome is when Sthole phone me and asked, “Why do we have to wait till Thursday to have a service? That’s a long time”. He says. He is so hungry! God has done a change in his heart!! This is TRANSFORMATION!! His wife still can’t believe that the Lord has given her a new husband!! Our God is just so awesome!!

We are seeing people being changed everyday, Palm Ridge is also known for witchcraft. But when they come to Jesus, they give up everything, and they just want the real thing!! The people of Palm Ridge are HUNGRY! Check out Matthew 5:6

What has been happening?
Last week we had Stephanie from Vineyard Laguna Niguel return and she taught about prayer. Everyone was taking everything in. Even the children were sitting still. We have noticed a huge change especially on Thursday evenings at the prayer nights and they do not pray the same!! Its as if something has been released upon them. We are just in awe of what God is doing!! Keep coming Jesus!!

This week Cathi (a dear friend) who has just graduated from the Iris International School of Missions is here to teach us about worship! We are very excited and are looking forward to worshipping God together!!

Just want to thank personally the church in San Francisco of California that sent us funds to buy Bibles for our people. You don’t know how blessed people are by this. Thank you. You have made things worse for us in a good way, because they have thousands of questions to ask about the scripture, they just can’t get enough!! Thank you!!

We also want to thank the Vineyard Laguna Niguel Church for sending a team here. You were all such a huge blessing. We want to testify that everyone person that was reached on the one-day outreach are still with us and are growing every day!! You guys were awesome!! Be blessed!!

Things to pray for:

(1) Pray for my car to be fixed, its almost 2 months without a car, its hard

(2) There was a strong wind last weekend that ripped our tent into shreds, please pray that we can get the right person to fix it, that’s our building

(3) Pray so we will be known as community of love,

(4) Pray for the growth not only in numbers but spiritually also.



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