Well, the time has come for me to set foot back in the country of my birth, filled with mixed emotions. So I arrived back in NZ after spending some time in Hong Kong and China. Which was an experience to behold.
Mozambique - that country rocks! God rocks!
In the School of Missions run by Iris Ministries - God totally rocked my world! He wrecked me, pulled me, killed me, loved me, lifted me, filled me and I will never be the same!
I am just a simple girl from NZ who loves a great big God! Who knows what is instore? I dont, but I know the one who does! All I know that its going to be an honour to share my life with Jesus! The one who leads me on all these increidble adventures! They are going to be hard, scary, filled with highs and lows! But from each experience I can learn and grow! O, how life is full when we serve a mighty and powerful God! To God be the glory be given!
So in Mozambique, I died. I laid my Elisha down, and handed over my Samuel! I truely died a death, and counted the cost. I spent many hours crying in the dirt and laughing with the children. Only do it all again - for sure! All for what? A LOVE - A love for my King - cause he first did it for me!
I left Mozambique! I cant hardly belive it. The last 3 months have been amazing, increidble and life changing. I cried from Pemba to Maputo - with the once was and what could have happend ringing in my mind. Realizing that when we landed in Sth Africa, I had totally left my heart in Mozambique. Not with a guy (that was returned), but with a nation, a culture that needs Gods love ever so despritely. I have felt and experience the rhythm and beat of Africa; it has penitrated me! I guess you could say that Africa swallowed me whole! When and Where? I havent a clue! But just thinking all that has happened, brings all the sights, smells and sounds back to my heart, the center, the forefront of my heart, my life! How I long, and crave for a life fulled with purpose to glorify my lover and King! So its lower still!!!
My life is not my own - I live for another
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