Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bring it on!

Welcome Holy Spirit! COME LORD COME

An awesome prophcy from Phil Pringle (Kiwi born) whose being living in Oz for some time. This word was brought during a big conf that was focusing on fire for Oz, but this word came too! This really is so exciting, and we are all really praying for it to happen! For all of us to be part of this somehow! Again, Holy Spirit have your way! We are so hungry for MORE and MORE!

The word from Phil Pringle
"I believe New Zealand is about to have in 2005 a revival that will eclipse any kind of revival it has ever had in the history of that nation.
I believe by the power of the Holy Spirit New Zealand is about to have a touch from Heaven. A touch from Heaven and the finger of God is poised in the heavens.
I see it. I see lightning bolts coming out of the Long White Cloud.
I see feet running through the streets to get to meetings.
I see things happening that have never happened before, people running to church in New Zealand. I see them running through the streets of Wellington.
I see them running down and the wind is blowing.
They are pushing against the wind, they are trying to get churches.
There are people running in Auckland down Queen street to get to church, people are running. They are desperate,some are full of fear and some are full of faith.
But they are running to church.
This is going to happen in New Zealand 1000's and 1000's of people running to church- running. It's probably not ever happened in New Zealand before. Amen.
Amen and Amen! Lord, COME, Holy Spirit we welcome you! Come and fill this place!

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